Saturday, December 22, 2007

World AIDS Day

At the beginning of December, several went to the camp to take part in World AIDS Day activities. People in Nduta Camp martched from the hospital to the soccer field where they gathered for 3 hours of song, dance, music, drama, and AIDS messages. Overall, the event was a lot of fun. Hopefully audience members also learned more about the disease and how to prevent it.

These drummers started the event and periodically drummed between performances.

This is the shelter where the guests of honor sat, most of whom were NGO workers.

A shot of part of the crowd. There were probably 1,500 people there.

This group of women did a beautiful dance.

These men sang and danced. Their dance was supposed to teach others how to use condoms...

This is a close up of one of the guitars used. It is made from a metal can used to distribute oil.

Spectators who couldn't get close enough to see climbed trees to get a better view.

These kids did a really cute song and dance number.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Water Project

Below you will find photos from a TCRS water project in a village that is about 5 km/3.2 miles from Kanembwa Camp. Projects like this are intended to benefit the refugee host communities, which oftentimes have very underdeveloped infastructure.

TCRS is building one large collection tank to hold water. This is a view from the top of the tank.

In this photo you can see two of the men who are building the tank (right) and some of the villagers who will benefit from this project. The kids are collecting water from the pipe that will eventually feed water to the tank.

Another shot of the kids.

This is one of three collection chambers for water that will fill the tank. This chamber collects water from a spring. Water is then piped to the tank. It goes from the tank to tabs which are spread around the village. All water in this system is moved by gravity.
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Monday, December 3, 2007

Mump III

And this is a shot of the Mump from the IRC compound which is where we start our run.
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Mump I

In the next two posts, you can see pictures from a run I take most Sundays. We jog through part of Kibondo town and a villege called Nengo and then hike up a hill we call the Mump.

This is a group of kids who live in Nengo, which is at the base of the mump.

The kids on top of the hill. Cool karate poses must be universal for 7-12 year-olds ;-)

This is a photo of Gregor and his sister T-Zed. Gregor is the child who almost always asks about the time.

In this shot you can see Sarah (a friend of mine from the IRC) and more of the kids. Some of them painted their faces white. We're not sure why they did it. Any ideas?
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Mump II

These are shots from the top of the Mump. They speak for themselves.

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