Friday, November 16, 2007

Camp consolidation

Currently TCRS has two camps, Kanembwa and Nduta, but we are in the process of closing Kanembwa camp and moving those residents to Nduta. Anywhere from 800-2400 people are being moved each week.

The new Nduta residents must start their lives over again. They stay in temporary shelters while they build mud houses. This process is expected to last 5 days, but it's taking longer because of materials shortages.

Children at one of the temporary housing centers. Most of their parents are either cooking, cleaning, or building their new mud house.
Children in the foreground and two of the six shelters in the background.

The inside of one of the shelters. Mats and matresses line the walls. Possessions are stacked in the middle.

The wood pile in the foreground is a combination of shutters, tables, and chairs that the refugees brought from Kanembwa. In the background you can see cloth tents. Some of the refugees erected their own shelters outside of the large tents.
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